Oreo Jones x DMA “Running” ft. Azieb Abraha

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The mystical tandem of Oreo Jones & DMA are back for their second video off their debut EP, Highway Hypnosis. With the time between the first video/single, “Running…”, back in Aug 2013, Oreo wanted to expand on his obsession with this project. Oreo Jones called in Nate Karamanski to help create a video and instillation for his new single, “Dream Babe”.

The song “Dream Babe” is a story about obsession over a failed relationship. To avoid literal interpretation as much as possible, “Dream Babe” the video, used a Cineme Verite style with local, untrained actresses. Visual stages of grief are unveiled to reflect how they affect one’s behavior to pacify pain. To reinforce the ideas in the story of how the mind races in circles when focused, different dream babes are shown at the beginning and ending shots. Effectively establishing the cyclical meandering after a loss of love with no resolution.

The installation was a companion piece that aided the overall experience and themes of the video. Viewings of “Dream Babe” were released every half hour, allowing the attendees either arriving, leaving or waiting for the next showing, to walk around in a concentric circle. Thus reinforcing the idea in the story of how the mind races in circles when it is focused. This probed the attendees to take a peek into the protagonist’s mind on their own terms, helping to breaking down society’s propaganda of love and answer any questions themselves.



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