Tag: 30 Day Music Challenge

  • Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 6

    Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 6

    Day 6 – A song that you’d like to hear on the radio… A double heaping plateful of LC 30 DAY MC today since for the first time in a long time I slacked on a Saturday. Regardless, this one is a topic I enjoy. A song that I’d like to hear on the radio.…

  • Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 5

    Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 5

    Day 5 – A song that you hate but gets stuck in your head regularly Hopefully you aren’t somebody whose been stuck in a car with me when this track comes on the radio. I can’t even begin to describe how my blood boils when I hear this track… I hate it with a passion.…

  • Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 4

    Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 4

    Day 4 – Shuffle your library. What song plays first? So far so good. Another easy one, but this one has nothing to do with your musical taste other than the final result. Hit a button, get a random song. The Dream “Hit It on the Road” which is pretty funny since I haven’t heard…

  • Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 3

    Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 3

    Day 3 – “Most Played” iTunes song Day 3 is the track that has the most spins in my iTunes. No introductions required, as I’m sure many of you are familiar with Atmosphere. Hopefully this is a blast from the past for ya’ll. If not, hopefully you enjoy the track regardless. See you tomorrow.

  • Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 2

    Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 2

    Day 2 – Last song in your iTunes Library (by Date Added) Steady rolling forward on to Day 2 of my revamped 30 Day Music Challenge. This is gonna be the easiest question on the quiz. I figure probably the most easy for anybody to answer. Simply put, it’s the newest song that I’ve added…

  • Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 1

    Leftover Cake 30 Day Music Challenge – Day 1

    Day 1 – First song in your iTunes Library (by Date Added) The first track in my iTunes sadly, was deleted when I reformatted a hard drive… so I may never know exactly what the first track I added into my fresh iTunes installation was. Luckily, with some quick thinking creativity and an old 1st…

  • Leftover Cake 30-Day Music Challenge [RULES]

    Leftover Cake 30-Day Music Challenge [RULES]

    As a blogger, I’ve seen these “music challenges” lately trending across the blogosphere (yeah, I said that) and honestly, I figured it was about time that I partook in the activity. Then, after thinking about it some, I decided that doing so would totally go against the ‘Code of Cake’ originality clause. So, I did…