Everett James “Metamorphosis” [ALBUM]

1. The process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages.
2. A change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means.

The concept for Metamorphosis album began before the birth of Everett James’ son Isaac. Everett felt an evolution within that changed him from what he thought he was into the man he is now. This evolution was a complete transformation that surpassed even what he thought he would become. Everett began the writing process new years 2011, while performing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and continued creating songs throughout the year. The idea behind the sound of the record was to blend live instrumentation, analogue, and digital sounds in a way that was musical. Everett pulled inspiration from seeing the birthplace of humanity in Africa and witnessing his family grow. He hopes you feel the change in the music and the energy of life in the song.

The latest single by Everett James “Shot Through the Heart” is an electro-soul confession of future blues that pulses with analogue synths and emotion. It has been getting major love around the world, most notably from Gilles Peterson of BBC radio one — who has given it multiple spins.

The album which is available at BandCamp for ONLY $5 is a steal, and I recommend picking up a copy.


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